कृषि महाविद्यालय, परभणी - ४३१ ४०२ (महाराष्ट्र)

College Of Agriculture, Parbhani - 431 402 (Maharashtra)


Award & Recognitions

Faculties are well recognised at State and National level and had received various prestigious awards for Best Paper Presentation Award, Best Teacher Awards, Best Poster Presentation Award, Appreciation Certificates. Faculties are also actively engaged in various professional societies as Vice-President, Executive member, member of editorial board etc. The students are also receiving INSPIRE , BARTI, etc fellowships and are getting jobs in financial institutions, SAU’S, Affiliated Educational Institutes, private firms etc.

  • Dr. S. S. More., Dr. K. V. Deshmukh and Patil, V. B. awarded Prof. Hiroji Ulemale Memorial award for overall Best Paper Presentation male delegate award in 21st National Conference of MSAE during 25-26 October, 2018 at Panjim, Goa. The title of research paper was “Economic Impact of Improved Production Technology Interned under Tribal Sub Plan in Hingoli District of Maharashtra”.
  • Dr. Sachin S. More, Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, College of Agriculture, VNMKV, Parbhani has received “Certificate of Award” for Best paper presentation in Oral Category in 23rd National Conference of Maharashtra Society of Agricultural Economics.
  • Dr. R. F. Thombre, received Best Paper Presentation Award, during National Conference of Maharashtra Society of Agricultural Economics organized by Dr. BSKKV, Dapoli.
  • Dr. R. V. Chavan awarded with Best Teacher Award 2023 at Agricultural and Environmental Development Society, Uttrakhand, India 4-5 May 2022
  • Dr. D.T.Pathrikar received ‘Best Ph.D. Thesis Award-2023’ at 5th International Conference (CCI-2023) Climate Change and Its Impact during 9-11, 2023.