कृषि महाविद्यालय, परभणी - ४३१ ४०२ (महाराष्ट्र)

College Of Agriculture, Parbhani - 431 402 (Maharashtra)




Participation in Training

Sr. No. Items of Recognition Year Awarding Organization Name of Faculty
1. Short training course on “ Recent Advances in Utilization of Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation” 2017 Dr. PDKV, Akola Dr.R.G.Bhagyawant
2. Winter school on "Technological Innovations in Processing and By-products Utilization of Agricultural produce" 2017 Central Institute of Post Harvest Engineering and Technology, Ludhiana(Punjab) Dr.R.G.Bhagyawant
3. Participated in training on Micri-irrigation and Fertigation Technology for enhancing Input Use Efficiency 2015 VNMKV Parbhani Er. A.M. Kamble
4. Participated in training on Natural Resource Management in a Climate Change Scenaro 2013 K.A.U.,Kerala Er. A.M. Kamble
5. Participated in 6th International summer school on Rural Hydrogeology 2012 Ruhr University Bochum Germany Dr.U.M. Khodke
6. Participated in Improvement In Teaching Quality 2011 VNMKV Parbhani Dr. N.M. Tamboli
7. Participated in FDP on Recent advances in web technologies 2010 ASRI, ICAR , New Delhi Dr. N.M. Tamboli
8. Participated in training on Advances in Remote Sensing, GIS and GPS Applications in Watershed Management 2009 NBSS & LUP, Nagpur Er. A.M. Kamble
9. Participated in training on Application of Geo-informatic in Water Sector 2008 National Water Academy, Pune Er. A.M. Kamble
10. Participated in International Course on Irrigation & Extension 1996 Ministry of Agriculture, CINADCO, ISRAEL Dr.U.M. Khodke

Training / Seminar organized (06) (2017-18)

Sr.no Title Participants Duration
1 State level Seminar on "Soil and Plant Health Sustainability Scenario towards Changing Needs” Soil Scientists and SSAC students from Maharashtra (+150) Two days 07 - 08 October, 2017
2 Capacity building training in Soil physical and chemical analysis District Soil Testing Lab officers and staff (24) 5-9 June,2017
3 Capacity building training in Soil, plant and water analysis District Soil Testing Lab officers and staff (12) 11-15 July,2017
4 Capacity building training in Soil test and Fertilizer recommendation District Soil Testing Lab officers and staff (12) 25-29 July,2017
5 Capacity building training in Soil and Fertilizer use District Soil Testing Lab officers and staff (12) 8-12, Auguest,2017
6 Liquid biofertilizer and bioagent production technology for enterprenurship development Unemployed youth (22) Four Days 21-24 January 2018

Training / Seminar organized (01) (2018-19)

Sr.no Title Participants Duration
1 Capacity building training in Soil and Fertilizer use District Soil Testing Lab officers and staff (12) 13-17 Nov., 2018

Training Organized (01) (2020-21)

Sr.no Title Participants Duration
1 Organic manure production technology SC- category women (20) under human resource development 22-26 March 2022

Training Organized (01) (2021-22)

Sr.no Title Participants Duration
1 Capacity building training in Plant tissue analysis and diagnosis. District Soil Testing Lab Officers and Staff (26) 20-25 December 2021